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  Hello,Danny, hello, William,thank you very much for accepting my interview. Could you introduce yourselves please?



  My name is Danny. I am from North Ireland, in the UK. I have been in China for over 5 years now. I previously lived in Fujian for all of that time. I am 27 years old. I love going to the gym, playing football and cooking. I’ve always been a teacher and have always had a passion to share my knowledge on to others.

  我的名字叫Danny, 我来自于英国北爱尔兰。我之前在福建工作了五年。我今年27岁,喜欢去健身房,踢足球和烹饪。我喜欢当老师并且我有着想要把知识传给学生的热忱。


  William Triska, I teach Art and Design. I have been working in Education for 4 years, mostly in Beijing and other locations in China. I was a founding team member and Curriculum Developer of a Speech Arts Education Technology company in Beijing, Cofounder and COO of an Education company in Beijing, and a Director of Studies for EF. I have helped to organize and run Summer Learning Travel programs to Xinjiang, Harvard University, as well as San Francisco and Stanford University. I believe that education is the greatest tool for agency and personal freedom that we can give to children. My goal is to make my students courageous autodidacts, and stalwart champions of public good.

  我的名字是William Triska, 我教授艺术与设计。我在教育领域已经教了4年。大多是在北京,有时也会在中国的其他地方。我以前是北京语言艺术教育公司的创建人和课程推动者以及英孚教育公司的校长。我曾经组织了新疆,哈佛大学,旧金山大学和斯坦福大学游学项目。我相信教育是我们可以给学生的能让他们追求自由的最大的工具。我的目标是让我的学生自主地学习,并且成为能够对社会做出贡献的人。


  What are the important things in teaching do you think?



  There are many things that make a good and effective teacher. I believe that it is important to have good communication skills, patience and an enthusiasm for teaching. I believe that a teacher is always learning themselves and it’s their job to give the students the best education that deserve. I believe my style of teaching is quite unique. I always enjoy teaching the students in fun and creative ways. I believe I am fun, passionate and lively teacher that the students can always relate to.当一个好的老师有着诸多因素。我认为作为老师需要有良好的沟通能力,耐心和对教育的热情。我认为教师需要继续学习并且给学生他们最好的教育。我的教学风格是非常独树一帜的,因为我总是乐忠于用有趣的并且有创造性的方法来教授学生。我是一个风趣的,有热情的,有活力的老师,学生总是能与我产生共鸣。


  My first boss told me, “You have to teach to learn.” His philosophy flips the traditional narrative that new teachers encounter. I have not learned how to teach. I have learned how to learn. In this way I can lend the best of my abilities and processes to students and help to provide a context in which they may best explore and grow. Because I understand their experience relative to my own, and I have studied the mechanisms at play when students make progress, I can design curriculum and experiences around what works for each student.

  我的第一任老板告诉我, “你必须在教中学”。他的哲学颠覆了新教师遇到的传统叙事。我还没学会怎么教书,但是我已经学会了怎么去学习。这样我可以借由我的最好的能力和方法帮助提供一个他们可以更好的探索和成长的环境。由于我自身经历过学生时代,我也研究了学生进步的机制,我可以围绕这些设计适合每个学生的课程。


  What do you think of the students in our school?



  I have been really impressed with the student’s desire to learn in this school. I believe their level of English is already good, and they have always treated me with upmost respect. It is clear to see that they thoroughly enjoy learning English, which is very important. The students always put a smile on my face and it is great to be able to talk and chat with them about other things outside of the classroom too. They treat me with the respect of an educator but always treat me as a friend, and I think that is really special.



  These students have chosen a new school which has numerous advantages. WFL has a long and respected history so there is a strong sense of support from the community of schools. However, being a student at a new school has a special advantage. They will have many opportunities to develop and shape the school and the academic programs with their opinions and learning preferences. Many have displayed a keen interest in expanding their role in this community, which I believe indicates their desire to be creative and impactful even at this early stage of their education.



  Could you introduce the two courses (MYP or Honor’s class)?



  Honor’s class is small class of only the top students. We meet twice a week and it gives me an opportunity to teach things in a more project-focused way. In this class we complete things by individual and group learning, critical thinking, how to use logic in ways we learn, presentations, debates, styles of writing, creative work and more. It is quite new and unique to the students and I can already see the benefits they are beginning to get from it.



  MYP is a part of the IB program. In the IB program, all classes and activities aim to prioritize conceptual understanding above more traditional goals like information recall, and skill development. The belief is that a well-balanced student needs a program that gives them the tools they need to learn and act in accordance with what will be expected of them in an increasingly globalized society. For this reason, academic programs will be connected in an interdisciplinary fashion in order to assist the creation of meaningful and powerful associations between the student and the concept. I believe this is effective because it emulates the type of learning people do naturally when they pick up skills that suit their interests and abilities.



  How do these courses improve their English abilities and comprehensive abilities?



  This class differs to regular class, in the sense that they’re getting a much more varied approach to learning. For example, in Western countries it is very important to learn how to learn through ‘critical and logical thinking’. In a project recently, students were asked to imagine being stranded on a desert island alone. They had to choose from a list of items which ones they would bring with them to the island and why. We began by learning how to search the benefits of certain items on the internet. Here we spent time learning how to correctly search, through western websites, the benefits and uses of certain items by using key words and correct terms when using search engines. Following this, students had to write a list of what would be beneficial for their survival on the island and why. Each student had to give their answers with logical reasoning. Each student had different answers and we then used various debate strategies to debate why each student believed their item was more useful and practical to survival. The reason I enjoy the Honor’s class so much is that it gives me an opportunity to introduce a wide range of teaching styles and strategies that are often seen in the western world. It’s a class that is very new but we have some interesting ideas and goals for the future of the class.



  MYP is by nature leading towards comprehension. The instruction is in English, but much more importantly, the students can use English to accomplish their tasks, build their understanding, and communicate with others that share their interests. MYP should give the students an easier and more effective path towards learning English.








